all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 7RJ 6 0 53.416599 -2.837288
L36 7RN 10 0 53.416392 -2.83602
L36 7RP 15 0 53.419484 -2.836095
L36 7RQ 4 0 53.416062 -2.845913
L36 7RR 3 0 53.418446 -2.836617
L36 7RS 9 0 53.418406 -2.836029
L36 7RT 1 1 53.420398 -2.83652
L36 7RU 9 0 53.416269 -2.844563
L36 7RW 4 0 53.419199 -2.835654
L36 7RX 9 0 53.420194 -2.843708
L36 7RY 8 0 53.418341 -2.843973
L36 7SA 28 0 53.415435 -2.840545
L36 7SB 10 0 53.416375 -2.839721
L36 7SD 30 0 53.415488 -2.839297
L36 7SE 29 0 53.420308 -2.84037
L36 7SF 34 0 53.417829 -2.840035
L36 7SG 36 0 53.419968 -2.841326
L36 7SH 19 0 53.421293 -2.840901
L36 7SJ 20 0 53.419398 -2.839299
L36 7SL 12 0 53.418751 -2.839391